At First Conservative Baptist Church
We want to help you get better acquainted with the ministries of First Conservative Baptist Church. The opportunities to know God’s word are almost unlimited. It is important for you to know what we believe and what is available, We invite you to seek the Lord’s guidance for your involvement in the FCBC body of believers.
You are important and needed in our church. You are more than welcome to join us as we endeavor to serve and magnify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We commit to do everything possible under the leadership of the Lord to minister to you and your family
We are committed to the inerrancy of the inspired, infallible plenary Word of God. Our Bible teachers love the Lord. God’s word is both taught and preached with the desire to reach the lost for Christ, and disciple the believers.
We are fully committed to evangelism and discipleship, and strive to involve the membership in the realization of becoming mature, fruit bearing Christians.
We believe that in Jesus Christ you can find the foundation upon which to build a happy and meaningful life.
We are delighted to present “a changeless message for a changing world.” Love, peace, joy and much more come as a result of a Relationship with Jesus Christ.